Whereas we are all aware of the support that BTYA gives its adult members and the community, many people don’t realize how much we offer for the youth, too.

  • Pirchei
    Shabbos afternoon, supervised learning with adult storytellers 
  • Gemora for Boys with R’ Mordechai Bernstein.
    A Gemora shiur tailored for kids to learn and enjoy. This shiur, for boys in 6th-8th grade, is given every Monday and Wednesday night from 9:00-9.45 PM.
  • Mishnayos for Boys with R’ Mordechai Bernstein.
    A mishna shiur tailored for kids to learn and enjoy. The nightly (Sun-Thu) shiur is from 8:00-8:30 PM, preceded by review time with R’ Bernstein from 7:45 PM. This long-running shiur has an almost 3-year cycle, learning Sidrei Zera’im, Kodoshim, and Tahoros, and then starting again. Just started Zera’im!
  • Avos U’banim. Tens of fathers and sons take part in the worldwide Avos Ubanim program. Takes place on Motzaei Shabbat during the winter and before Minchas on Shabbos in the summer. Treats at every session and even occasional pizza!
  • Hilchos Beis HaK’nesses Review
    A 6-week intensive program for boys, learning the laws relevant to the Beit HaK’nesset, culminating with a public test for the finalists.
  • Mother/Daughter Events
    Each year, we have 2-3 events for mothers and daughters, most recently making mirror frames and dance classes.
  • Family Trips
    During Chol Hamoed, we have had father/son bike trips around the beautiful local mountain ranges, as well as trips to many places around the country.

See the pictures from our recent Purim Kattan Melave Malka/Concert.

Click here to ask a question about our youth and other programs.